On May 5, we will be releasing our new Power Systems Engineering VLOG series. In this series, our Engineering Manager, Abdur Rehman, will be explaining different concepts dealt with in power system studies. He will be sharing his expertise and perspective, honed by years of experience within the field to help you understand and truly grasp the different aspects within power system studies.
About The Author
Abdur Rehman is a professional electrical engineer with more than eight years of experience working with equipment from 208V to 115kV in both the Utility and Industrial & Commercial space. He has a particular focus on Power Systems Protection & Engineering Studies.
Abdur Rehman is the CEO and co-founder of allumiax.com and creator of GeneralPAC by AllumiaX. He has been actively involved in various roles in the IEEE Seattle Section, IEEE PES Seattle, IEEE Region 6, and IEEE MGA.